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Computer Science and Engineering
The network of friendships on Facebook, road connections, terrorist networks and disease spreading networks are today available as a graph G(V,E). Social Network Analysis involves discerning this graph data and making sense out of it. The course will revolve around the study of some well-known theories of social and information networks and their applications on real world datasets.
there is any assignment
there is any assignment
There is any assignment
Same issue for me too. Week 7 not opening.
Is There any Assignment
Exam date tell me
when will quiz start
why it is taking too long
When would be the exam
6 Reviews
8 months ago
Quiz is not enabled yet... Not able to book slot for social network mooc course examination
8 months ago
Iam MCA final year syudent, I have registered Social Network course for that course their is no quiz and when the exam will be conduct because it is not showing any slots to book the exam date.So, please can you tell us the information about the course. I hope will you reply.
8 months ago
First keep your server stable sir in middle of attending quiz the server lost and it gave the result year bad express sir
Prof. Sudarshan Iyengar, Associate Professor at the CSE at IIT Ropar has a Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). An exemplary teacher who has delivered over 350 popular science talks to students of high school and advanced graduate programmes. Prof. Sudarshan has offered more than 100 hours of online lectures with novel teaching methodologies that have reached lakhs of Students. His research interests include Data Sciences, Social Computing, Social Networks, Collective Intelligence, Crowdsourced Technologies and Secure Computation.
Maherunnisa Mujawar
Week 7 Diffusion In Networks Is Not Opening.