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This course is designed with an aim to make students familier with the working principle of different types of sensors and transducers. The students will have an exposure to basic physics of the sensors and their importance in the real world applications. The students will also understand the structures of some of those sensors. The students will be provided an understanding on modern day sensors and technological advancements. The students will learn about generating the sensor data and conditioning it to make it suitable for electronics signal processing. The first objective of this course is to understand basic physics of transducers and their operating principles. The second objective of this course is to understand different types of transduction techniques for designing and developing sensors with the help of examples. The third objective is to interface the transducers with electronic microcontrollers for processing the signals.
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VTU is one of the largest Technological Universities in India with 24 years of Tradition of excellence in Engineering & Technical Education, Research and Innovations. It came into existence in the year 1998 to cater the needs of Indian industries for trained technical manpower with practical experience and sound theoretical knowledge.